Surface-SOS: Self-Supervised Object Segmentation via Neural Surface Representation

1Peking University 2Peng Cheng Laboratory 3University of Birmingham

We present a self-supervised approach for delicate segmentation from multi-view images that are geometrically consistent.

Method Overview

Framework. For the scene captured by N images, we use COLMAP and Mask-RCNN to get sparse 3D points and coarse object masks as co-inputs, and predict a dense, geometrical consistent object map, as well as a textural, completed background for each image. To tackle this challenging task by leveraging the existence of geometric consistency of the one-to-one dense mapping in 3D space, we decouple the scene into two complementary neural scene representation modules: a Foreground Consistent Representation (FoCoR) module and a Background Completion (BaCo) module. We build our scene representation modules upon the SDF-based neural surface representation, and incorporate multi-resolution hash encodings for training acceleration.


Visualizations details of mask and RGB rendering results at the high-resolution of 3840×2160.


          author={Zheng, Xiaoyun and Liao, Liwei and Jiao, Jianbo and Gao, Feng and Wang, Ronggang},
          journal={IEEE Transactions on Image Processing}, 
          title={Surface-SOS: Self-Supervised Object Segmentation via Neural Surface Representation}, 